Growing Tall Poppies: Evolving Australia's National Identity

Get the first chapter and free presentation from the upcoming book:

In This Chapter We'll Cover:

  • The confluence of events that is priming Australia for a national identity shift of seismic proportions. 
  • Why identity matters both at the individual and collective level for achievement, happiness and power.
  • What cultural evolution really is in a practical sense, and how to understand it.
  • Why "culture eats strategy for breakfast", and understanding your own cultural values deeply will be the most enlightening thing you do.
  • The difference between "cognitive reality" and "material reality" and why one is actually pretty easy to influence.
  • What tall poppy syndrome is, and the beneficial elements of it.
  • How it limits us in subtle yet powerful ways through peer pressure and enculturation.
  • How to diagnose your own level of development, uncover and integrate your shadow side and become more whole.
  • And ultimately, how to re-author your personal story as part of of the broader collective story and in doing so, shift the culture and achieve Infinite Influence.
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